The Importance of Inspecting your roof

Many people often treat roofs like car tires, and they only pay attention to them when there’s a problem and replace them if necessary. So, having your roof inspected regularly can help extend its life significantly.

According to the National Roofing Contractors, you should have all your roofs inspected twice a year–after the hottest and coldest times. It’s also always best to inspect your roof after any significant event. 

Whether your roof is low or steep, you inspect it twice annually. Roof repairs or total roof replacement can cost homeowners significant money. But with regular roof inspections, you can avoid expensive roof repairs or replacements in the future.

What Does A Professional Roof Inspection Entail?

After a heavy storm, you might be tempted to save cash by inspecting your roof on your own. While it’s not a bad thing to do, this job is best left to professionals. 

Professional roofers have the knowledge and experience to look for and find problems on your roof. They’ll begin by quickly assessing the health of your roof from the ground upwards. 

Using specialized equipment, they’ll look for clear signs of distress. These include:

  • Extensive damage from falling branches
  • Missing shingles
  • Changes in the color of shingles
  • Ripped shingles
  • Mold or fungus
  • Rust, cracks, or leaks
  • Damage to chimneys, vents, or gutters

When performing a roof inspection, professional roofers will perform several tasks depending on the condition and health of your roof. 

Surface Assessment 

It can be challenging to spot hail damage, but professional roofers know how to assess the grain levels and determine the remaining shelf-life of shingles, which helps them detect hail damage.

They also check for discolored, missing, or warped shingles, which are early warning signs of water damage. In addition, they know that roof debris can cause shingles to be loose. 

Structural Survey

It’s also much harder to spot damage under shingles than superficial damage. Your roof’s structural integrity is important for its health; otherwise, it can cause more serious problems in the future. 

A professional needs to identify your roof’s structural problems and fix them before it’s too late.

Insurance Claims

A professional roofer is the best person to document and adequately describe roof damage. They can ask you if you’ve ever filed insurance claims before, and they’ll also walk you through the process of filing a claim and keep you updated at all times.


It’s essential to keep air circulation in the attic. In that case, a professional roofer can quickly inspect your vents to see if they work at maximum capacity. They’ll assess insulation, roofing vents, and anything else that helps with proper roof ventilation.

How Often Should I Inspect My Roof?

Your home’s roof protects you and your family from the elements, so you should give it the attention it deserves. To ensure your roof remains leak-free and in good condition, you should have it checked regularly.

So, how often should you inspect your roof? The NRCA recommends checking your roof twice a year to help detect any issues. You should do it during the fall and spring because this is when the weather is a bit milder.

Mild weather makes it easier to inspect your roof, and it also lets you ensure your roof is prepared for the forthcoming temperature changes and possible seasonal weather hazards.

Another perfect time to check your roof is after significant weather events involving hail or high winds. You should also inspect new roofs after such events because bad weather can damage a roof regardless of its age.

While it’s not always easy to perform regular roof inspections, doing so helps prevent minor roof issues from leading to major ones that may cause leaks, potentially damaging your home’s interior. Preventing minor issues from worsening will also help save your money further down the line.

While you can inspect your roof by yourself, hiring a professional roofer for this job is important. Remember, you’ll likely invalidate your roofing product replacement warranty if you don’t get a professional to inspect your roof. Insurance firms also tend to only deal with professional roof inspections.

6 Crucial Reasons to Choose Professional Roof Inspections

Here are several reasons to have your roof checked twice annually and after each major weather event.

Prevent Roof Damage

 A leaking roof isn’t only the first sign that your roof is damaged. There might be other structural damage as well. It’s important to get regular roof inspections for your home because you can catch problems early and prevent further damage. 

Also, regular roof inspections will help you identify minor repairs that must be done to ensure the roof withstands severe weather conditions.

Less Costly Repairs

Detecting roof damage early on can help you save money on repairs and prevent minor issues from developing into serious ones. Even if you have a new roof or one that hasn’t had any significant problems so far, it’s always best to inspect it to catch minor issues before it’s too late.

Extended Shelf-Life

Inspecting your roof regularly will help you keep it in tip-top shape so it lasts decades. Proper maintenance means most roofs can last anywhere from 20 to 100 years. 

Lower Energy Bills

Inspecting your roof twice annually will help you catch any damage that might stop your roof from keeping heat, rain, and wind away from your house. A damaged roof won’t adequately insulate your home. Your cool air could leave and make your AC unit overwork, resulting in high energy bills.

Stay Safe

Roof leaks may damage your home’s entire structure. But with regular inspections, you can spot these leaks early and protect your home. In addition, leaks can also cause mold and mildew to grow, which could affect your health.

Proper Drainage

Proper drainage is fundamental for optimal roof performance. If your roof is water-logged, that might lead to moisture penetration and water leaks. Regular roof cleaning and inspection will remove leaves, debris, and trash blocking the roof drains.

Get Professional Roof Inspection Today!

A professional roof inspection helps homeowners catch roof damage on time and fix it, keeping their roofs in great shape and maximizing their lifespan.

If you’ve noticed any signs of roof damage in your home, call in a professional roofer to examine your roof today and decide on the best course of action.